A coordination polymer with a silylene-supported Pd6 core as an efficient heterogeneous hydrogenation catalyst

T. Mitomo, Y. Wada, T. Suda, A. Tamura, S. Yagi, S. Kikkawa, S. Yamazoe, Y. Sunada

Chem. Sci., in press.

A hexanuclear palladium cluster supported by two silylene units was readily linked by molecules of a linear ditopic isocyanide to afford a coordination polymer that retained the core Pd6(SiPh2)2Cl2 framework. The obtained coordination polymer exhibited good performance as a heterogeneous catalyst in the hydrogenation of various alkenes in common organic solvents and in protic solvents such as H2O. Furthermore, the obtained coordination polymer showed sufficient stability during the hydrogenation in order for it to be recycled and reused.